Meeting Details
Live Webinar – Influenza and Standard Precautions
Join Senior Community Learning and AALNA for this 2-hour live webinar. The session will focus on applying standard precautions to prevent the spread of influenza is applicable to daily life in a residential care setting. We will define influenza, its disease course, infection rate/mode, the recovery process, and how to apply standard precautions to prevent the spread from person to person. Participants will learn about the typical signs and symptoms of influenza in the dependent adult population, how to assist residents to cope with the emotional and physical toll of the infection, and how standards precautions apply in day-to-day life. This knowledge and training will allow staff to fully support the dependent adult with influenza who also suffers with multiple life-altering co-morbidities. Finally, the reporting requirements to CCLD for outbreaks of influenza.